On the evening of the opening ceremony Paris Olympics 2024, 26 July 2024, bulldozed out by the French police for no apparent reason from the bank of Seine while watching the ceremony on a big screen – rain rain rain – a soggy soggy night – it was not the start we imagined. We arrived a brasserie, don’t know the name and where, but being under the roof – what a relief! Cold beer and fish and chips! Actually it was really lovely – fish accompanied by french fries and Salad! yes – well dressed salad! Viva France!

The first night of the olympic, cannot get any worse – so wet, unfamiliar city – what do we do!?!? Well, it just got better and better!!! Just want to sing loudly “It’s gettin’ better all the time, better, better and better ♫”

À midi ou à minuit
Il y a tout c’que vous voulez
Aux Champs-Élysées♫