Hehehe, I am doing something naughty, going out for Fish and Chips + beers on a school night. Funny how you still feel guilty (just me?) well into your adulthood…
Anyway, we are at The Three Crowns @hip Stoke Newington. It has to be good reason to go out on a school night.

The menu reads well, “Cornish ale buttered fish & chips w/mushy peas & tartar sauce -£11.95. Good pricing for hip part of Hackney. It is even better as this is essentially £6.50 per person, Hooray!

- Fish 5/10. Delicious fish, juicy, steamy hot, batter is unusually thin but crunchy, well integrated with fish. This reminded me “tempura” batter. Just soooo disappointed with the size of fish.
- Chips 7/10. Shame it was not as hot as fish which leaves some sense of discomfort in the mouth (feels like being cheated, make sense?). Slightly overcooked though cannot say it was bad chips in terms of taste.
- Mushy peas 1/10. Absolutely substandard. The horrible brown colour. No taste.
Overall disappointing 5/10, largely due to kiddy’s portion. Felt totally mislead it is not get one buy another for £1. Rather, get 1/2 portion for 1/2 price.
However, I would happily pay full price for the quality for fish providing I will get a proper man’s portion. Then, I sort of lost trust in you. Who to say this was 1/2 portion, there is always a risk that I pay £11.95 then still get kiddy’s portion.
When I got home, I had a binge chocolate session as I was still hungry. Made me feel really guilty, school night out + chocolate binge….
Going out on a school night was not good idea after all….